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Best Tulsa Sign Company | A Simple Black on White Background Sign

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

Um, so yeah, um, love that. That’s a great picture. Uh, the next one is, uh, a smaller sign that’s, that’s also on a panel. Um, that’s O H equestrian center and, uh, just a simple, uh, just a simple black on white background. Um, you know, like I said, we can do full color. That’s a perfect example. We can do full color, or we can do, you know, real simple and, and, and elegant, you know, just kind of whatever, uh, whatever your taste are and whatever you’re looking for. Um, you know, and if you don’t know, uh, we’ll try to come up. We’ll definitely try to come up with something, um, you know, and, and make that, uh, to make that your own. And that’s what we love to do is we love to, uh, do great signage, um, you know, and, and offer the best bang for your book, um, anywhere.

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

So again, it’s O Hill’s questioning center, um, real simple sign, but very effective. Um, oh, the next one is, is another, uh, cutout that we did for, uh, well, this one’s not for the buck and Flamingo, but this is for the Ben Johnson cowboy museum over PA as well, uh, by the same owners who own the, uh, buck and Flamingo. Here’s another cut out with the, you know, the hole cut out where the face goes. And, uh, yeah, that’s, that’s just a great one. Uh, again, this one, this one has a, has a cowboy on a looking bro and, uh, just getting it and , and chase has just looked like he’s having the time of his life. So, you know, that’s just a, that’s just a great photo op right there, and definitely the way to go. So telling you, we have, we try to have fun at, uh, at the shop, cuz life’s too, life’s too short to enjoy where you work. You know what I’m saying?

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

Uh, the next one is, uh, I believe it’s also on a panel and a lot of these signs will be, uh, you know, I said, this is metal signage is on, it’s gonna be, um, either on a panel or aluminum of some kind. Um, we do use steel from time to, but, uh, we don’t always just because, you know, we want to, uh, make it light and not rust. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us. So aluminum AALA panel is some great ones, great ones to use. Now, this one is for, was for a customer who, uh, had a boat and he wanted to put a, um, a poem on side his boat. He retired and he like to go fishing. So he’s got his, so he is got his boat and he wanted to put this on there. And basically what it says is, Lord, I don’t need no mansion in heaven when I die just a little one room fishing boat, and I’ll be satisfied sitting on a riverbank where the rushing waters flow, where I can do my fishing and wash the flowers, grow underneath a big old shade tree where I can lay in my head. I listen to the angels sing before I go to bed. And that was by P Phillips over P Phillips is thank you, sir. We appreciate your, uh, you know, we appreciate your, your poem and this, this customer really, really liked it. And we put him inside his boat, um, on a piece of piece of metal. So, uh, we didn’t screw it obviously to the boat. It was, it was above, uh, and, and around the, um, uh, I guess the, the drive, the cabin. So, um, we didn’t screw holes into the boat. Don’t worry.

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

Now next up is, let’s see, oh, this is for a, uh, local gas station, uh, for Miller brothers propane. Actually they have a gas station and they also sell propane in there and they have, uh, diesel exhaust fluid there. So they wanted to put a big O sign. It says, save on, you know, Def pump here. Um, I know it’s a new trucks and a new regulations and stuff. They have to have the diesel exhaust fluid for EPA regs. And, uh, there it is, that was a, that was a sign that we did for ’em. So again, um, signage is great for a lot of things. It can be for personal, you know, uh, you know, making a boat your own and, and mounting a big poem to it. Or obviously signage is, you know, what it’s always been used for is, uh, you know, conveying information and saying, Hey, look over here, we’ve got what you need. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.