Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.
Hey, and this is Highway Man Signs blog, and today we will be talking about the wonderful and wild world of signs. We have many signs at Highway Man signs that we do. We do everything from small decals for sports programs and honor roll students and things like that. We also do signs for businesses all the way up to the big signs that you would see on major stores and, uh, businesses. We also do vehicle decals, and we also do vehicle wraps. Today, we will talk about a lot of these things as what we will showcase is what we’ve been working on recently with projects. I myself had a sign made not too long ago in a PVC sign of a Notre Dame fighting Irishman.
Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.
And so what that sign is, is we take that sign and we make it on a PVC plastic. We print it on a flatbed printer. Then we go in and we cut down to size a custom cut for what, what the shape of the, of the sign is. And so I have this Notre Dame fighting Irishman that we’ve outlined in black. I cut that down and I filled in the, uh, edges with black paint and mounted that to a two by four, which I’ve hung on my wall. And I have l e D lights that go around it, and it changes colors and it looks really cool. And it’s one of those very, uh, custom looked signs that a lot of people like to have, and it’s actually quite affordable for what you’re getting. Um, it’s a lot cheaper, uh, than the going the route of like a metal sign that you’ll see a lot of people or a custom cutout wood sign that people will do with a CNC machine.
Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.
PVC plastic is actually a, uh, it’s a thinner plastic. It’s very similar to like the corrugated plastic. It just doesn’t have the lines or the ridges in it that you would stick like the, uh, yard stakes down in. But that is one of the things that we do. We’ve actually, if you come into the shop in Bartlesville or do Bartlesville Dewey, um, you’ll see that we have our Highway Man signs logo behind us, um, lit up with L e d lights, as well as having our logo with the, uh, Mask man as well. Uh, both of those were cut in house pbc, um, Advanced Automotive has one as well, and so they’re just a really great idea, especially for businesses if you’re going for something inside that you’d like, or even if home, if you have a favorite sports team or you have, you know, something like that, that you would like to do.
Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.
We’ve done stuff for, uh, people that we’ve done corrugated plastic cutouts, very similar to that, so that you can stand it up in a corner for, uh, a guy’s, uh, child who was in ballet class. Another common sign that you’ll see that we do a lot of are yard signs. Yard signs are a great way to advertise for businesses, for churches, for pta, uh, different things like that. Also, we do a lot for schools and sports. I’m sure if you drive around any of your towns, you’ll see a so and so plays football for this school or band student lives here. Chances are if you live in the area from co uh, Collinsville on up to Coffeeville, we’ve made that sign. They’re a great way to advertise, and they’re a fairly inexpensive way to advertise. You get a fairly good break on quantities, um, anywhere from five to 50, uh, different breaks there. Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.
Um, all those signs are double sided. They come with stakes. So think of it as like the political signs You see, typically what people will get is an 18 by 24. Some people get a 12 by 18, but for most standard appliance applications for stuff like that, you’ll go with an 18 by 24. Another great way to advertise if you’re not wanting to do something permanent with a vehicle are magnet signs. Magnet signs. We make ’em, they’re one foot by two foot, typically. We can always make it a little bit bigger if you would like. And what we do is we put your logo and for your business, business information like that, and you get a set of them for $75. You can put both of those onto the size of your car, uh, and they make a great deal, especially if you maybe are switching cars or don’t quite know what you’re doing. If it’s a new business and you’re starting out and you’re just trying to see, you know, is this working? Does advertising work, it’s a great way to get that out there. Hey thanks for joining us, this is the Highway Man Signs podcast your best Tulsa Sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.