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Best Tulsa Sign Company | Custom Dock Signs

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

Uh, yeah, Gary Forbes Jr. Here. Um, love it, love it. Moving on. Oh, here’s some, uh, cross timbers dock signs, uh, that we did. There’s a, uh, well, it’s the number one? Uh, it’s the number one arena here in the state of Oklahoma right out here on sky took lake cross timbers marina, uh, at sky took lake. And these were, these were some custom dock signs. They actually had some of these, uh, that a few years and they added, added some docs and, um, brought in an old one and said, Hey, can you make this? They’re like, yeah, sure can. It was a custom triangular shape, but then the edges were bent, uh, well for one to get a rigidity and also to fit in the Gable end of the dock, um, at that, that shape. So yeah, just a great, great looking sign. Um, but yeah, we definitely have the capabilities if you got an odd shape sign or something like that.

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

And you’re like, you know what, I’ve always wondered if I could get, uh, another one of those I could, I could possibly re make them, that’s something a hire man that we specialize in. If you are looking to reproduce something, we will reproduce it to the best of our ability. Most generally it’s exact, um, sometimes it’s not, it just depends on how good of quality the original was. Um, but usually we can pretty well, uh, you know, create some replicas of something. If you’re specifically looking for that or look, you know, looking to make a match set, like they were, they wanted to add a bunch of bunch of new ones to their new docs that they were having. And so, uh, Hey brother, guy, we’re your guy, whatever you need.

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

Oh, the next one is a, just a, um, address sign. And what’s great about these. Um, these are, these are required on, uh, a whole rule signage and for, uh, um, it’s called an E 9 1 1 sign around here. I don’t know what it’s called in other places to the country, but that’s what we call ’em here in Oklahoma. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us. And, uh, what they are specifically for rural homes, um, for like ambulance and emergency services. And so, uh, they would make the, we, we make signs and they’re in reflective, um, again, not, not expensive, um, better than going out, trying to make one yourself, buying, buying the sticker letters from Lowe’s or home Depot, wherever, and trying to stick ’em on. And, uh, I promise you, we’re gonna get it straighter. We’re gonna make it look better. We’re gonna help you out. So just remember that, uh, yeah, moving on, uh, oh, here’s a car tag just says limitless on it. Um, yeah, nothing, nothing really talk about here. It’s just a, uh, what it, a car tag in front of your car, or if you’re from a state that, uh, requires, um, you know, three wheels or, or at all times, or I’m sorry, did I say three wheels? I didn’t mean three wheels.

This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.

I meant car. I was talking about car tags. Where did my brain go? Oh, my goodness. What I was talking about was states that require two car tags. I don’t know where I got three wills, I guess it, I guess the state requires two car tags is about, makes about as much sense as a car with three wills. I mean, seriously. Um, I don’t know why you, can’t why one in the back’s not enough, but some states like that have ’em on the front and the back. So there you go. Well, in Oklahoma, we don’t. And so a lot of people like to customize their cars with a car tag on the front of their vehicle. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.