This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.
So don’t, uh, we’re just here talking about metal signage and, and everything that, you know, we could possibly help out with just, uh, just stay tuned. We’re gonna go keep going through this. The next one is another, uh, DF sign, uh, that we did this one was for, uh, this one was for the same place Miller brothers pro. And um, this one was for right there for the, their pump where they, uh, they pump out the DF and, uh, this a little fancier put some graphics on it and, uh, yeah, it looks, it looks really good. And, and that’s something else. The customer wanted to be able to have a cut out there because it’s actually went on to the front of the pump, I believe. And so we had to cut out for the controls and, um, like I said, if you can give us some exact, you know, give us some good measurements or we can come out and measure ourselves, um, you know, we can, we can make it custom for you, you know, custom one of one, you know what I’m saying?
This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.
So next again, speed limit sign, uh, this, you know, probably for someone similar, like the yield sign week, you know, like I said, if you’ve got a campus or you’ve got a, um, you’ve got a long driveway coming to your house and you’re wanting people to, Hey, slow down, um, speed limit signs, way to go. Right. And, uh, again, we can put whatever speed you want on there. Now don’t go, don’t go down the highway and take all the speed limit sign and change it out for something faster I’m telling you that probably would not go down very well. But if you do that, just don’t tell me about it. Okay.
This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.
All right. Hilker lawn and landscape. This was another, uh, I believe a panel sign and this was gonna amount to the side of a trailer. It’s a, it’s a landscaping company. And of course they have trailer with, you know, equipment and mowers and, and, um, weeders and blowers and whatever on there. And you got to have all your stuff on your trailer, including your name and number and what you do. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.I mean, that’s kind of, that’s a big deal. Um, I think people don’t realize that, um, just because you got a lawn trailer on there doesn’t mean people are gonna know who you are and, uh, the best way, uh, the best advertising I’m telling you the a best advertising, no matter what it is, no matter what you’re advertising for is on your vehicle. Um, you can do, you know, you can do just door lettering on like the doors of your truck. If you’ve got a trailer like this one, uh, as an open trailer. So he kind of
This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.
Build a frame and we were able to screw these on there and, um, you know, on both sides and one on the, on the tailgate and, and on the back of your vehicle, be it truck, trailer, car, whatever is really a place that you’ve got to have signage because you’re sitting in traffic or you’re driving on the road and somebody sees you and they’re like, oh my gosh, I gotta call that person. You know, that’s the best way you send traffic. You’ve got, you’ve got a captive audience sitting behind you. They can’t go anywhere. They’re bored, they’re sitting in traffic, whatever, and they’re looking around and they’re like, man, Hilger, they just start reading your thing, you know? And, uh, I remember signing not a business card. This, this is a little bit different and a little more writing that I would normally put on there. This is the highway man signs podcast. That’s right. The highway man signs podcast. We are your number one top best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, Bartlesville and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for joining us.