Hey guys, Welcome to the highway man signs podcast your best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and Skiatook area here in Oklahoma.Again, thanks for joining us. And, uh, last time we talked about, uh, calmness and assorted signage, PVC yard signs, and a foam signage. And you can go back and listen to that one too as well. But this week we’re going to talk about magnets. I know they’re awesome. I used to love playing with them in science class.
I know I’m getting, I’m getting off track here, but seriously, um, magnets are generally, um, kind of are a kind of do it one of two ways. Obviously we can do to just about any size. We normally get a 24 inch roll of it and we can make them 24 by however, however long if you want them. Um, but our standard size is we do a 12 inch by 24 inch set of two for, uh, your vehicle. And what’s so great about these is they’ll they’ll, you know, they’ll stick to your vehicle, especially if you don’t have a dedicated, um, you know, business, uh, you know, a company car that you drive, um, that you want to advertise, or you want to be able to put them on, go to a person’s place, a business, maybe their home have some signage on your car or look legitimate, um, but then be able to take them off later if you possibly, if you have more than one job or if, um, maybe you travel and you don’t want to have them help when you’re going out of town, things like that. Welcome to the highway man signs podcast your best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and Skiatook area here in Oklahoma Um, it’s great for that. Now they are a, uh, we can do them just about any, like I said, we can do them to spend any size, uh, 12 inches by 24 inches is our standard size. And that’s because that fits on most doors. Now you do in this day and age, you do want to check your doors, make sure that a magnet will, uh, work on them. I know in the nineties there was this, the Saturn vehicles. They actually had, you know, dent resistant panels. And basically they were people call it plastic. I don’t know that it was plastic, but maybe it was, um, and magnets wouldn’t stick them. Um, again, uh, you know, now that you have the, the new Ford F-150 these, um, these are made of aluminum, um, you know, magnets do not stick to them. Um, now they are coming out with, this is really cool.
Welcome to the highway man signs podcast your best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and Skiatook area here in Oklahoma I just read an article about this the other day, um, magnetic paint that they can actually put on those new F150. Um, so some magnets will stick to them. I it’s actually been a big issue because a lot of contractors use magnets and they don’t on their company trucks. So that’s actually a cosmic. She answered it. They’re coming out. They’re gonna think this next rollout is going to have paint that actually has, I guess, I don’t know, metal flake in it or something like that, that magnets can actually stick to. So it’s a really cool local Don to be alive. We’re living in the future folks. Um, but yeah, so, so 12 inches by 24 inches, that’s our standard size that, that nearly fits on almost any size vehicle. And it’s important to realize that, um, magnets are not a, um, they look don’t, don’t get me wrong. Welcome to the highway man signs podcast your best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and Skiatook area here in Oklahoma They look great. Um, they do the job, um, but there are some caveats and, and basically you can, you can lose them, obviously. Um, now the, um, the material that we use is actually rated for up to 90 miles an hour. Um, so they they’re supposed to stay on the car up to 95 miles an hour. Now that being said, it has to be on a flat surface. Um, it cannot, it cannot bridge over a body line or, or trim on your car, things like that, anything that, you know, if there’s any way Eric can get behind those magnets, um, you gotta remember, they’re just going to fly off now because there’s nothing else holding them on there, except except for the magnetic pool. Um, now we do round the corners of all, uh, every set that goes out from Highland and signs, we round the corners.
And that is because the, if you don’t and they’re squared off you, if you’ve ever gotten these from any other place, they can be squared off and those have a tendency to curl up. Um, and you’ll, you’ll lose your time now again, um, another kind of a con I guess you could say a magnet is be very careful, um, because they’re not physically attached any other way. Besides my dust and dirt can creep up behind them, moisture can get behind them, especially if you, you know, you leave them on there during the winter months, things like that. Or even some summer days where it gets really, really hot moisture can actually get behind the magnet and can cause some damage to your car. I always say that we recommend at least every couple of weeks, preferably once a week, but at least every couple of weeks, take the magnet off, wipe the back down, clean the back, clean your car door.
Welcome to the highway man signs podcast your best Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and Skiatook area here in Oklahoma Um, if you go up and down a dirt road every day, or you live somewhere that has a lot more moisture, gets a lot more rain. Um, you may need to do this more often. Um, but you know, there is just some care that that comes with using a magnet on your car. Um, just because of the nature of it, you know, but I know people that have had them used them for years, um, loved them. Um, you know, and I’ve had some people that they just, they took them right out. I’ve told them all that, told them all the different uses and they took out and threw it on the car. Um, you know, so, and the car was filthy. Um, so just keep that in mind, make sure your car is clean, make sure the magnet is clean, um, clean them once a week to every two weeks at least. Um, and, and just take care of, and they should last year, a long time and do exactly what you’re wanting done. Um, otherwise a magnet stop for you. Uh, I suggest if you’re wanting something in your car, we can do a vehicle decal. Um, we can put Letters or your, or your logo or whatever, right on the Door. It’s stuck on there. It’s on there too. You want to pull it off? Don’t have to worry about losing it. You don’t have to wipe it down or clean it. Um, it’s kind of last year, but I don’t have time. So just keep that in mind. Um, that’s kinda the, that’s kinda the pros and cons and magnets and, uh, yeah, so this has been, uh, um, kin and this has been the highway man science podcast, your best Tulsa sign company , Bartlesville skiatook and the surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks for listening. And we’ll catch you next time.