Speaker 1: (05:28)
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
McDonald’s he know what that is. You don’t have to, uh, Eileen have to think about it, seeing that you, cause you’ve been so conditioned to see that you think hamburgers, see that you think fast food, you know, it’s like, that’s how your brand should be. You need to create something simple, but something that’s recognizable instantly recognizable and, um, immediately think of your business with that. With, with us, I would, man, we’ve, we’ve created our bandit logo, um, and it’s, and it’s created in a way that is it’s actually incorporated into our, uh, lettering highway man, and put it on everything and we keep it the same. It’s always the same. It’s never changing. Um, it’s always the same. So it was the same type of colors. We have a standard color set for all of our signage, for all of our vehicles and for all of our logos.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (06:22)
And, um, we have different logos as far as to fit in certain places. We have a horizontal one, we have a stacked version. Um, and then of course we have just the highway, man, bandit, uh, logo and, and all those things that, okay, whatever, it’s got to maximize the space, but they all match. Exactly. They all are the same colors. They all are the same, you know? And so that’s how you do it. And then once you get something, you stick with it, everything should match. All of your vehicles should match. All of your, um, business cards should have that logo on there. You’ve created a branding identity. All of your, um, employees should have it on their shirts, on their hats. You know, they should have it on their, uh, again, they should all have their own personal business card. Um, should have it on your building.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (07:29)
Should have it on anything that you hand out. If you get a ticket book that doesn’t have your logo on it, why build that brand to come on? Um, if you can get it on pins, if you can get it on, whatever, whatever you can get it on, get it on there. That’s how you build a brand, put it on everything, handed out, get it out there where people can see it and they understand that it should be something that’s simple. And it’s easy. Something that is like, boom, that is me. Um, it probably should be something that is going to look good. Five, 10 years from now. Um, you can update logos, corporations do it all the time, but they don’t do it every week. They don’t do it every year. They do it every 10, 15 years. It’s not something that’s, you’re not trying to trace or chase trends here.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (08:26)
It’s about building an identity and she’d probably only change it when, um, not on, not on a whim. It should be when you’re trying to reinvent yourself. If the company has gone through some hard times and you’re trying to reinvent yourself, or you’re trying to change the perception of your company, if you’ve been around for a really long time, there’s nothing wrong with your company. You’re just not growing as fast as you gained. You’re trying to go after a different demographic. Maybe that’d be the time to change a little bit. Um, sometimes you don’t have to do a whole revamp either. Sometimes it’s just a few colors here and there to change or change a font or something like that. Um, to make it a little more modern, something like that’s always great, but you need to always think about that before you change your logo.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (09:11)
Okay. Who’s my customer who, my demographic that I’m going after. Is it working right now? Is it going to hurt me more if I change it? Um, that kind of thing. So that’s definitely not just a, it’s not a simple process and I should clarify what a logo is. Um, some people like, um, if you’ve got a certain font that you use, um, that’s great. It doesn’t necessarily make it a logo. Um, if I can just type it and if I can just pick us, if I can think aerial font type your business name into there, and that’s your logo, uh, D definitely is mark. It should be unique. Your logo should be unique. It shouldn’t be just something that to make, draw up, um, that stands out. Or you should pick colors that are unique to your company. Um, you know, a lot of corporations, they come up with their own colors and they name it and they will brand those colors. And those are specific colors are used. So that way, when you see those colors, you think of that company without even, I mean, they literally break it down to the simplest form. So I just, some stuff to think about. Appreciate you guys listening today. You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.We appreciate you guys listening and we’ll catch you next time. Thanks.