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Top Tulsa Sign Company | Diving Into Vehicle Signage

Speaker 1: (00:03)

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. I’m your host, Kenny. And here we are again, with another episode of how a man signs your top Tulsa sign company in the Bartlesville sky Tooke and Tulsa area. Uh, last time we talked about, uh, auto wraps and this time, uh, we’re going to kind of continue that trend. Uh, we’re going to talk about a close cousin to the auto rapid, and one that I think some people are confused about. Um, but we’re going to talk about strictly vehicle signage and the reason we kind of separate the two is, let me, I just want to make sure that I, um, you know, are 100% clear about that. And auto wrap is generally a vehicle that has been covered entirely, or at least over 50% of the vehicle has been covered in vinyl or in rap final wrap material.

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in theTulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1: (01:09)

Um, what vehicle signage is, and auto wrapped could obviously fall under that, but the reason we have two different, uh, types is because if it’s under 50% or, or, or doing, you know, or even just doing like decals on a door or covering up a window or something like that on the, on the vehicle, um, that’s not really a wrap. We actually use different materials for that. Um, but yeah, we’re going to kind of go through here and we’re gonna actually, we’ve got our website pulled up that’s That’s H I G H w a Y M a N S I G N And we’re on our, we’re looking at our gallery right now, which has, uh, several pictures of our jobs, you know, jobs that we’ve done, um, you know, for our customers in the past. And, uh, we’re just going to kind of go through each one of these and kind of talk about them and kind of give some of our customers some love.

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in theTulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1: (02:12)

And, uh, I appreciate that. So again, you’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your top Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville and sky tick and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. So again, thanks for joining us and I was going to get started. So if you go to our vehicle signage page in our, uh, you’ll see the top. One of the very first one is ENL lawn services, and this is pretty cool. So this one is a, uh, uh, this is definitely falls in her vehicle signage, not, not necessarily a vehicle wrap. Um, and so this customer just wanted his logo and phone numbers, uh, spread across both doors on his truck. And, uh, we went

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in theTulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 2: (02:59)

Through several iterations and then that’s something that we do here at highway man signs is we, uh, we include free graphic design, um, for every job. So if you come in, you don’t have a logo and, uh, that’s something that you need, we can definitely help with that. Um, and we can definitely work on that. So, yeah, so, um, so ENL lawn services, he wanted to kind of keep it simple, but kind of, you know, make sure that you could see, uh, you know, at a glance, you know, what it was. Um, so that’s why I’ve got the grass there. And, and I love the colors here, you know, uh, you know, red and the green, but it’s not, it’s not Christmassy green, you know, it’s very much grass or, or a long colored green. And, uh, it looked great on, uh, on that black truck and, and, uh, you know, we, we outlined everything in white, so it would pop on there and then really just give it a kind of a good look.

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in theTulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.