Speaker 1: (00:01)
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma. Thanks again for listening. Um, today we’re going to be talking about why do you want to use a professional sign company? Uh, well, I’m okay. Gonna play devil’s advocate here today a little bit, because, you know, obviously I own a professional sign company. I’ve been a professional. Um, I’ve been in the sign business for, uh, you know, 20 years now. We started in, uh, um, well, I originally started in about 2000, um, and sorry, 2000, 2001. Um, uh, my, my, my dad and my uncle at the time partnered up and bought an existing sign company and, uh, and got together and did that for a few years. And then, um, we split off and started my dad and I’ve started high with man size.
Speaker 1: (01:07)
Um, so obviously I hang out of bed. Agree. We’ve been, we’ve been in it for a long time, or I’m constantly learning and evolving and getting into new, uh, new things that have to do a signage. But, um, the main thing is I remember, um, all the things that I’ve learned over the last 20 years, um, you know, when you use an amateur, um, because nowadays think about it, um, you know, people buy these Cricut machines, they can cut vinyl, they can do stuff like that and all that’s well and good for, for homemade projects or things like that. Um, but basically at the end of the day, um, if you’ve got a business that you’re wanting to take to the next level, um, what your signage looks like, says a lot about the company that you want to be, and a lot about who you want to be portrayed as.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (02:06)
Um, so, you know, it’s different if you’re trying to start like a nice little boutique or you’re starting a, um, let’s say you have a bank, let’s say you have by an insurance company. So you’re a doctor’s office. Um, let’s see your a automotive repair shop. Let’s say you’re a car lot. Let’s say, um, your restaurant, those are all very, very different, um, you know, types of businesses. Um, let’s, let’s choose, um, let’s use auto repair shop, for example, why would you want to use the professional sign company for your signage for, for an auto repair shop? Right. Uh, you know, for gosh, almost a hundred vehicles, cars have been around, people have been working on, right. Um, well, it’s not, uh, you know, today’s vehicles are different or not. You don’t always take them to your shady tree mechanic now. Um, and a lot of people have been taken by unscrupulous, um, you know, mechanics that try to tell you, Hey, trust me, I can work on this and get it fixed and end up costing a whole lot of money.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (03:30)
And your type of signage can really portray who you are. Um, you know, you don’t want some bare bones, um, looking sign slapped on the side of your building or, or something. I mean, you want to portray who you are as a professional as well. Um, no, so we, like, we hit highly man. We pride ourselves on, you know, trying to make the best signage that we possibly can for all of our customers, whether, um, and, and here’s the thing we’re not perfect, you know, occasionally, you know, there’s a bubble or a wrinkle or something here and there and we fix it. I mean, if you’re not, if you’re not happy with your product at the end of the day, um, we’re gonna make a right. You know, we’re gonna, we’re going to fix it up to your standards. And a lot of amateur guys that do it out of their garage or whatever, they’re, they’re not that well-versed and, um, knowing what’s going to be best for you, um, or understanding what’s good for your industry.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (04:40)
And, you know, we’re here to, we’re here to, to make you look the best that you possibly can for your customers. Um, you need to have a sign. That’s going to grab people that, you know, look at that and be like, okay, that’s a professional company, they’re legit. They looks like they know what they’re talking about. And, um, you know, and instill trust and confidence in your customers. And that’s all we’re trying to do. You know, um, obviously when I started, I was not as good as I am today. I’ve learned a lot over the years. Um, and when we started over, I, you know, we’ve grown a lot. I wouldn’t say we’ve always been the, you know, the best, obviously we, we constantly want to grow and cause someone to be better than we were before. Um, but yeah, you know, we’re, we’re going to be better equipped to take care of that, that for you, if there is a problem, um, while I haven’t your guys, a basically you get what you get and that’s, he gave it to getting dumped, drove it, right.
Speaker 1: (05:59)
Um, they’re not gonna have the money to fix it for you. They may have already spent the deposit that you’ve already given them. Um, you know, we’re here to be dependable being, uh, have integrity, do the right thing, do exactly what you’ve asked us for. And hopefully we exceed your expectations. That’s our goal every time. Um, a lot of amateur guys, like I said, it’s just fly by, you know, stuff. Um, you know, and they may be ma they may be a nice guy or whatever. They may not have the equipment that we have. Um, you know, that a professional sign company could have. Um, I’ve seen guys try to set a pole and put a sign up with a ladder. Um, for one thing that’s dangerous. Um, you know, we have, we have a crane truck, um, you know, we have, um, insurance, um, we’re, you know, obviously, you know, safety is a huge priority for us.
You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma.
Speaker 1: (06:58)
Um, there’s a reason why professional sign companies have the equipment that we have, um, it’s to keep people safe, to do things the right way. And guess what, you know, what, if something happens, we’ve got the insurance, we’ve got the bonds, uh, we’ve got the things to take care of any damage, uh, or injuries that may be caused. Um, you know, accidents do happen. And I would hate for you to have your son or your cousin or something like that, your brother to help you put a sign up and somebody gets hurt, uh, just to save a few bucks, you know, that’s, that’s never the goal you don’t ever want to do that. Just to save a few bucks. Um, especially at I had a cousin that, um, unfortunately wasn’t, uh, a professional, but got killed by not having the electricity turned off, working on a lot of time. And so it does happen. I know what I’m talking about and, and, and paying a little extra just to make sure things are done right. And safely, uh, is always the best way to go. So thanks for listening today. This has been, uh, the You’re listening to the highway man signs podcast, your best top Tulsa sign company here in the Tulsa, Skiatook, and Bartlesville areas here in Oklahoma. We appreciate you listening, catch you next time.