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Top Tulsa Sign Company | What Materials Do You Use

Speaker 2: (41:38)

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

So that way they didn’t clash. And, and I think that that’s definitely, uh, it’s definitely a good way to go. So they only turned out it turned out great. So, uh, drove her landscape. Yeah, here’s a Derby landscaping tree. Um, again, this was something we were doing on glass and we can, I said we can stick it to just about any, uh, there are some materials that vinyl won’t stick to ears and stick, but, but it pretty much anything on a vehicle. Um, you know, the painted surface, the metal, uh, body, uh, the glass, um, really the only thing on a vehicle that we can’t, uh, do is the kind of black plastic-y, um, materials that kind of a textured plastic, uh, uh, you know, it’s just not something that really vinyl likes to stick to, and really nothing likes to stick to. And it’s called a, it’s called a low energy plastic.

Speaker 2: (42:32)

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Um, I’m not an engineer, so I don’t really know where that term came from, but that is what it’s called. Um, and essentially they’re designed, um, so stuff doesn’t stick to them to, to, to give kind of a texture, cause they’re, they’re used for usually for, um, you know, around bumpers or, uh, even on mirrors, stuff like that on bumpers, you know, it kind of adds that texture gives you something like standing on if you need to, um, but also, uh, make them easy, clean. Uh, so that way things, don’t things don’t stick to mud and stuff like that, clean off bugs, whatever, what have you. And, um, uh, you know, they make wheel Wells and stuff and not necessarily wheel Wells, but the, um, uh, like the fender flare. Sometimes they make them out of this black plastic material and stuff. So usually it turns out it’s just vinyl. Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 2: (43:20)

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Doesn’t like to stick on those kind of surfaces. So, uh, the next we’re here. Yeah. We have kind of a before and after of a, of a church fan we did. And we just, again, it was simple, simple a logo, but it just, uh, just shows you how, and just kind of having an effective, good looking logo, uh, with a good color, uh, picked on, you know, and put on there can just kind of, um, make it look good, make it look professional, um, and also get your logo in your, in your message out there. So, uh, love churches love me. They will help them out. Um, and that’s a great, that’s a great local church here in Bartlesville. Um, love everybody there. They’ve been, they’ve been really good to us and, and just been a great, great partnering with them. So, uh, oh, the next one is a, this is actually part of a fleet of trucks that we did for United, uh, Lynn.

Speaker 2: (44:14)

Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

And this, this does kind of fall in the, a partial wrap, uh, characters as well. These were, these were great big logo. I can’t even tell you how I think they were alike. Let’s see, like 12 foot or 12. Yeah, something like that. Like 12 to 14 feet wide logos that we did, um, on. And we did several tours. I can’t even remember. We did, uh, gosh, how many trucks did we do? 10 or 15. Um, you know, and, and in one go essentially, um, we were doing three or four a week. Um, and, uh, we did this actually at the trucking company that they, that they purchased in third, at least these trucks through. And, uh, again, um, if that’s something that you, you’ve got a fleet of trucks and you need them done and done quick, we can definitely definitely help you out there. Hi, and welcome to the highway man signs podcast, your Top Tulsa Sign Company in the Tulsa, Bartlesville, Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.