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Tulsa Sign Company | Do You Make Metal Signs

Speaker 1: (00:10) Okay, this is Kenny with,and this is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. And last week we were talking about, um, I think we left off talking about metal signs along with, uh, just all those different, all the different types and, uh, all the different applications for that particular, um, material. Now I kind of want to go into like a sub genre of that type of signs and, um, well, it’s a kind of a sub genre of, of several different types and, um, styles of signs that we do. But real estate signage is very, very, uh, popular. Um, and we do it a lot for, we do tons and tons of real estate signage for, uh, all of our local realtors, uh, in Barnesville and sky took and Tulsa, and Speaker 1: (01:18) There’s tons of different applications for them, obviously they’re for selling homes or land or commercial properties. Um, but yeah, there’s several different times. Obviously we can start with, uh, your kind of your obvious your realtor sign, which usually is a metal blank or would call them blank. So obviously when they’re, when we get them in, but we put whatever information we want on there. Um, and we will follow all the guidelines from your particular Realty office and, um, you know, whether it be Remax or Keller Williams or Coldwell banker or Berkshire Hathaway or whoever your, uh, office is through, we can follow all those guidelines. Um, as far as the, uh, the logo and the sign requirements, um, some offices are very much more, um, strict, like Remax is very strict on how their signs have to look now. Uh, but Keller Williams on the other hand is, is a lot more lenient. Um, they offer a lot more, um, just

Speaker 1: (02:34)
Freedom, I guess you’d say with what your sign can look like. And what’s cool about these is your standard realtor frame sign is a metal insert with your graphics, your picture, your information on it. Um, with a, with a steel frame, this is a three-quarter inch steel, uh, angle iron frame that is made to go in the ground. These are made to last a really long time. Um, and I’ve seen these, uh, I’ve seen these priced upwards of, you know, a hundred, $125. We only, you know, we charged less than that. Um, depending on how many order they started, 85 and they go up from there or they go, I’m sorry, I started 85 for the standard size, did 18 by 24. You can get that either portrait or landscape. And what’s great about that is, uh, they actually go in the price goes down.
This is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1: (03:30)
The more you order, if you, if you need several of you’re starting out and you need five or 10, obviously we get, we get breaks at, uh, five and 10. Um, and if you’ve been in for years and you just need to redo blanks, we will, uh, we’ll make new inserts for your existing frames based on your sizes, which is, uh, we do that for a lot of, a lot of places. And or if you switch brokerage firms, you go from, um, you go from Keller Williams to Coldwell banker or to Remax or something. Yeah. Uh, it’s a lot of people do excuse me to get a drink there. This is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Speaker 1: (04:12) And like I said, we can use full color. Um, we don’t charge anything for the Zionist that’s right. Free design on all orders. Um, but yeah, th there’s no extra charge for your photo. There’s no extra charge for the different colors. Uh, it’s all digitally printed. Uh, we do it all. In-house at both of our locations. That’s right. Both of our locations, we have one in Bartlesville and one in sky to which is just outside of Tulsa. Um, and we are your top Tulsa sign company. How a man signs another cool thing about, uh, we, we call them realtor frames, but they don’t have to be for realtor, uh, for realtors. Um, a lot of construction, people like them, you know, they put like they’re building a house. I can put out front like the company that’s building it. Um, you can buy these for, just for anything that you’re, that you’re wanting to promote or sell.
This is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma.

Speaker 1: (05:20)
Um, this is more of a permanent option. It’s kind of like, like, like standard yard signs, which are kind of a temporary throwaway option. These are, these are to look nice or they’re professional and they’re to last a long time. Um, and basically they are to just provide a very professional look, uh, for a nice looking signed, to put out on the yard, out in front of a place, a business or house that you’re selling or piece of land that you’re selling. So you can, um, have a temporary sign out there that looks professional and stays looking nice for years. Um, another option for a realtor signage is like obviously banners. We do lots of banners for realtors. Um, these are great when you’re wanting to really pop and you’re willing to really get it out there. Hey, this, this is for sale. This is great for when you’re doing a large property, like a commercial building or a, um, piece of land. Um, you can put their own offense. Um, of course, anything that you want to put on there. Um, the more the merrier, as far as this kind of stuff, a lot of people want to know, Hey, they want to be able to drive by and see what, what are we talking about here? Um, obviously a lot of people don’t put prices on there, but they will put like, Hey, this is a two bedroom, two bath, uh, or maybe some kind of, uh, a really, um,

Speaker 1: (06:55)
Especially something that’s special about the property. Like, Hey, this has a, has a 50 by 50 shop, or this has, um, Speaker 2: (07:04) You know, Speaker 1: (07:05) Custom paint inside or something of that nature sending it really sets it off that makes it, makes it special. Um, you know, fully built out basement. Speaker 2: (07:16) Um, you know, Speaker 1: (07:18) We’ll build a suit. That’s, that’s something that, you know, like if you’re, if you’re willing to remodel the property, uh, to sell it or willing to throw a discounted price in or something, This is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. Speaker 1: (07:33) But basically the options are endless. Um, we also make riders. These are the, these are the small size of go. I’ll usually I’m top of the realtor firms. Um, do you usually see their six inches by 18 inches or six by 24 inches? And that’s for, you know, sold or closings or, uh, you know, under contract those little kind of side of the comradery because they ride on top of the side and you basically can bolt those on either using a wing nuts, or you can take, um, you know, some of the screws out of the, the signs or the, the bolts that are holding the, the main concern in and use those. Um, but yeah, I mean, they’re, they’re very versatile in there and they’re great for a great for realtor companies or, you know, commercial contractors, like, so, yeah, so that’s, that’s real true science, and we appreciate you guys listening to the podcast. this is the highway man signs, podcasts, your best Tulsa sign company in the Tulsa Bartlesville Skiatook and surrounding areas here in Oklahoma. So appreciate you listening. Uh, yeah, we’ll catch you next time. Thanks.