Wood Frames – Build & Install

Occasionally, we will use wood to make frames. Starting with 4×4 treated wood posts, the following steps will guide you on how to build a frame suitable for a single or double sided sign.

What you will need to purchase:

  • (8) 6″ wood lag screws
  • (4) 4×4 treated posts (length will vary depending on size and height of sign) I recommend 10 ft legs for a MAX of 8ft tall sign.
  1. Once you have the necessary items purchased. First cut down your posts to the correct lengths. The legs will need to be 2 ft longer than the desired height of the installed sign (2 ft will go in the ground). Your cross (horizontal) posts will need to be 2″ shorter than your face size. (For example if the sign face will be 4’x8’, your top and bottom horizontal posts will need to be 94″ long)
  2. Using Dado blades on the table saw, cut a 1″ deep by .25″ wide groove in the center of one side of each post. On your horizontal top and bottom post, cut the groove the full length. On your legs, cut only as far as the height of your sign face starting from the top of the post, and add 6″. The extra 6″ is to account for the thickness of the post at the top.
  3. Next predrill holes for your lag screws at the top of the 2 leg (vertical) posts. Drill them diagonally from one another (See Fig 1). Once the holes are drilled all the way through, using a forstner bit drill down approx a half inch, so the head of the lag will  be flush with the outside of the wood, rather than on top.
  4. Go ahead and start screwing your top post and side posts together but don’t tighten all the way yet. Grab your finished alupanel sign face and slide it into the groove of the top and side posts, then finish tightening your lag screws to hold in the face snugly.
  5. Grab your bottom post, that should already have your 1″ groove, and fit it to the bottom of your sign face. This way you can now mark and drill your holes for the bottom horizontal post. Repeat step 3 for these holes.
  6. Finally attach your bottom post with your remaining lag screws and you should be finished
Wood Frames
Wood Frames FIG1